I make Namkhas as an average Bonpo would make them a thousand years ago. I don’t use processed wood. I don’t use thin yarn, which contains synthetic not mentioned in its contains.
Namkhas derivee from ancient shamanic Bon tradition. Therefore the truly working item of power requires truly shamanic materials – natural wood and thick, truly natural 100% wool or cotton yarn
I put much effort in materials I use for Namkhas:
Sticks and the way I get them
Yarn, it’s quality and aesthetic features
Paints for seed syllables and their composition
My attitude towards making is careful and requires a lot of effort
◈ Sticks
I make charms right from the scratch – which means that I also make sticks only by myself.
Usually one buys sticks in a shop or orders them from a carpenter. My approach is different.
I harvest sticks in forests.
It’s physically hard work, and requires high concentration every time.
I wallow in snowdrifts in winter and in mud in autumn and spring. In summer I struggle to cope with insects craving for my blood amidst woods.
It takes much 10 times more energy and time to get sticks that way. With searching, harvesting, drying and preparing them for further construction.
◈ yarn
I use only yarn of a good quality produced in Italy . I’m satisfied only with it. It also concerns color palette and general aesthetic impression. It costs 4 times more than regular cotton yarn.
◈ paints for syllables
And finally, for seed syllables I use resistant color pencils. They contain only wood, caoline and toner. It makes them much more natural than gel pens with some really scary ingredients. I put constant effort in providing appropriate pencils of all colors. It’s not always easy to buy them.
◈ why it's so important?
I put so much effort in each Namkha for reason. Materials directly effect on activity of charms.
My attitude corresponds to more ancient and natural way of making Namkhas.
My approch recalls Bon Tradition. Namkhas made in such way show more vivid and powerful activity .
Experience shows power of natural Namkhas. I make charms in this way – for me, my family and you.