What is
a Namkha?

🔹Namkha is a thread-cross.

🔸They were widely used in Bön rituals. In some cases as an offering replacing animal sacrifices and in others – as a special protective item.

A Namkha in N. Norbu tradition represents a harmonized energy structure of a person,
which protects from negative influences and brings luck.

*names of aspects are given according to R.Beer’s “Encyclopedia of Tibetan Symbols and Motifs”

◈ What is a Namkha - video:

A Namkha invites fortune, removes obstacles, protects and harmonizes one's life

A Namkha leads you to a balanced life. One that suits you well.

◈ History

You can find similar thread-crosses throughout the world: in India, Africa, North and South America. The shape of thread-crosses may differ, but all of them are made in the same way.

In South America they are called “Ojos de Dios” – God’s eye.

Slavs also had such charm and called it “God’s eye”.

As you see, each charm has an “eye” – easy visible central element.

Isfand, Iran
Ojos de Dios, South America
God's eye, North America

Many peoples had such item in their culture. It was essential to protect inhabitants’ life from negative powers, illnesses, bring fortune and increase everything positive: prosperity, long life, personal power and other aspects.

Every people had it’s own tradition to empower thread-crosses. Today rituals mostly are lost due to expancy of modern religions.

Tibet and his culture is an exclusion: down to Chinese occupation it saved their unique culture and kept lineages of ancient methods to work with energy. Bon rituals were integrated to Buddhism and survived through ages.

◈ Bon religion and Namkha origins

Method of Namkhas has beenn know since ancient times. They are a part of Bon – pre-Buddhist spiritual tradition, which was spread widely in Tibet.

Whereas Buddhism developed much into philosophical teaching,

Bon tradion was very practical,

and had a lot of methods to work with energies. Of nature. Of course, I also mean energies and powers of Nature – and Bonpos were skilled in ruling them, and knew how to bring benefit to their people.

With time Bon methods were integrated to Buddhism and became an organic part of Buddhist teachings.

◈ Guru Padmasambhava legacy

With time Bon methods were integrated to Buddhism and became a part of Buddhist teachings.

Guru Padmasambhava reshaped and harmonized Bon rituals of regaining glory and fortune, extension of life, and purifying a person and his circle. – image

This is how these methods survived through ages and this is why true meaning of Namkhas in well-known today.

Guru Padmasambhava integrated Bon rituals into Buddhism.
This is why we know about Namkhas now.

◈ Namkhai Norbu terma of Namkha

However, in XXI century many of true traditions of working with energy through Namkhas degrated to formal ones.

Namkhas are still known as transforming items, but actual rituals to provide the transformation were lost.

Here’s where story of the Namkha terma by N.Norbu begins.

Genuine method to work with energy through Namkhas was discovered by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu – famous master of Tibetan Buddhism. He discovered the Namkha method in 1983.

by means of experiencing mind terma.

Namkhai Norbu received the teaching of Namkha thread crosses through the dream. He got full explanation on how to calculate and construct Namkhas. Also full text of empowerment ritual was received in the dream.

Such masters, having capacity to discover termas, are known as tertons.

Chogyal Namkhai Norbu, famous master of Tibetan Buddhism,
discovered the method of harmonizing energy with Namkhas in 1983

◈ Meaning of a Namkha

Namkha is translated from Tibetan as space. But not only the space that hold planets, stars a and galaxies. It means primordial space, where all object and phenomena appear and disappear.

So each Namkha is an allegory for our life, for everything we have and embrace.

Namkha represents an energy structure of an individual, where all elements are harmonized and balanced.

It means that all aspects of energy are harmonized and balanced, as well as relationship between us and outside world. Between us and space.

◈ How a Namkha works: Tibetan astrology

Five primary elements


A Namkha is an astrological thread-crosses. Its action is based on the principles of Tibetan astrology.

According to it, all phenomena and material objects in Universe consist of 5 primary elements: water, wood, fire, metal and earth. These elements have relations with each other. They may be harmonic or be in conflict. For example, water allows wood to grow, but extinguishes fire and etc.

In a Namkha these elements are represented as yarn of five colors.


4 aspects of human energy*

in Tibetan astrology human energy has 4 important aspects:

🔹 Life energy (tib. – Srog): the most important aspect. It’s like a heart in a human body

🔹 Health (tib. – Lus): Health and body condition depend on this aspect

🔹 Personal power (tib. – Dbang Thang):  Our potential and how we use it depends on this aspect.

🔹 Success (tib. – Rlung Rta):  If our success energy is weak, we encounter problems and failures.


Aspects are represented in a Namkha’s structure. A charm has 8 rhombi – their centers symbolize 4 aspects, which repeat twice.

Upper part is for our inner energy. Lower part is for Mewa – our condition and circumstances


*name of aspects are given according to R. Beer’s “Encyclopedia of Tibetan Ornaments and Motifs


Aspects and primary elements

Each aspect is connected with one of the primary elements. What element it should be depends on the date of birth of an individual.

So aspects also have relationship with each other, and very often they are in conflict.

The main aspect is Life. When Capacity, Fortune or Body is in conflict with Life it causes different problems in daily life. Health issues, unfavorable circumstances, misfortunes and so on.

A Namkha harmonizes relationship between aspects. So life becomes balanced – with much less difficult conditions and situations.

◈ Why Namkha is not a simple ethnic mandala

Namkha making is based on an accurate astrological calculations.  Each Namkha is personally calculated for each individual. 

Also it’s connected with very particular empowerment ritual in N. Norbu lineage and works effectively only when empowered.

◈ Empowerment

Every Namkha must be empowered with a special ritual– otherwise it won’t work. Ritual requires a transmission from a master in the lineage of Chogyal Namkhai Norbu.

Empowerment must be provided on the regular basis – the best option is once a month. The minimum frequency is empowerment once a year.

Learn more about the empowerment

◈ No personal beliefs are required

No one needs faith to benefit from Namkha. They work independently and without any personal beliefs.

Namkhas are accessible to people of all religions, agnostics and atheists.

Namhkas are not magic or misterious amulets

they are a part of a Buddhist tradition

Q & A

Namkhas are not intended for fulfilling particular wishes. A Namkha harmonizes energy in general. Insted of promotion you can get fired – because your job occupation doesn’t suits you. The results may be very surprising – but they are always great.

A Namkha can be very useful for improving one’s health condition – both physical and mental.

However, Namkhas are not intended to work with serious diseases, such as cancer in active phase.

In this case, please accept my sympathy, and reach a psychotherapist who works with your type of disorder. It’s very important.

Namkhas always help, in any year, no matter it’s unfavorable on not.

It’s very good to always have a Namkha to be protected and attract fortunate circumstances

Ask them whether they want such an item or not. We crave to help our nearest and dearest –

but it’s always up to them. They need to decide on their own.  If your dearest agrees, you can make/get a Namkha for them.

If not, leave them free to make their own choices.

Yes. People who don’t practice can benefit from the Namkhas too.

But your Namkha must be empowered by a practitioner from Namkhai Norbu tradition – or you need to visit one of the Buddhist centers of C.N.Norbu Rinpoche on a regular basis – once a month the best. The minimum frequency is empowering your Namkha(s) once a year.