
I see the world through the eyes of a child

Fabrizio Callistri, Italy

“After six months with a Namkha I would like to share some thoughts with You. We are very fortunate to have known the Master who passed on this ancient and precious knowledge. We are fortunate to have someone like Anna who can build a Namkha with unique precision, care and love. There is no need for doubt.
In my experience, nothing revolutionary has happened in these 6 months. The people , the problems of my world are still there. What has extraordinarily changed is the VISION, the perception of Everything . Sometimes I see the world through the eyes of a child. Without the prejudices and negative mental infrastructure of recent years. Is this ‘return to innocence’ thanks to a Namkha? I can’t say for sure, but intimately I believe YES and I hope that this assertion will reach You in all its purity”