Empowerment ritual

Activating a Namkha

Without the ritual of empowerment Namkhas are just plain items without any activity at all.

As Namkhai Norbu told: without authentication Namkhas are equal to pleasant tourist souvenirs, and have no real power.

For this reason every Namkha must be empowered with a special ritual. On a regular basis.

One needs to have transmission in Namkhai Norbu tradition to perform it

You can empower a Namkha in centers of Dzogchen Community.

On the photo: Merigar, Dzogchen Community Center in Arcidosso, Italy.

Transmission for the ritual

Is impossible to receive the transmission for the Namkha ritual separately.

The Namkha practice is always a part of a bigger practice – the ganapuja.

So everyone who wants to receive transmission for Namkha ritual, needs to receive “general” transmission in Chogyal Namkhai Norbu linage first.

Without it it’s impossible to practice the ganapuja.

Usually transmissions are provided both for general practice (guru yoga) and for special practices, including the Namkha ritual.

How to receive general transmission"

We’re looking forward to new teachings in current situation.

At this moment it’s possible to receive Transmission personally from Yeshi Silvano Namkhai.


Information for newcomers:



Special option

If you are an active practitioner in other Buddhist tradition and highly interested in precious teachings of Namkhai Norbu, there is one more option for you.

If you have firm intention to receive transmission as soon as possible, and ready to follow this tradition, it’s appropriate to start practicing without transmission in the first place.

You can contact Gakyil to learn more about this option – all info is here: https://dzogchen.net/