Online Namkha
making school

Learn Namkha making in C.N. Norbu lineage from A to Z with a qualified tutor on-line


Students from 🇺🇸 USA, 🇦🇺 Australia and 🇯🇵 Japan successfully completed education,

Students  from  🇲🇽 Mexico and 🇺🇸 USA are taking classes now.

one to one individual format

adjusted schedule

In touch after education ends

I’ve been successfully teaching Namkha making online since the spring of 2024

Effective education online

My educational programs are developed specifically for on-line format.

I have a background in tech and design allowing to create informative materials,

 and natural talent in explaining difficult things in easy way in online format.

Distance between us is not a problem!

Results are confirmed - reviews

Irina, USA

I couldn’t be happier with the results of the Namkha course I took with Anna. Anna did a fantastic job making the process and information clear, digestible and stress free for a complete beginner like me.

Elliot, USA

Anna’s Namkha course is that very rare and sought-after thing in education: a real one-on-one, practical tutorial with the aim of helping the student toward making their own Namkha.

Mirco, Japan

I had 2 days one on one streaming session with Anna and all doubts were cleared.  Now my execution is truly precise and quick.

The number of places are limited

I can take only 2 students  per month –

to provide the best quality for every student

Available spots:

Ferbruary 2025: 2 places out of 2 bought

March 2025: Reservation open, 2 places available


How to construct a Namkha

1st step

Learn how to construct Namkhas for yourself and your dearest using online calculation software

Calculation course

2nd step

Learn how to calculate Namkhas you can’t get anywhere online –  most impactful and astrologically important

Double Namkhas

3rd step

Learn how to make Double Namkhas to harmonize energy between 2 people and your one in specific negative years

Additional classes:

Preparing Namkha sticks from local natural materials

The class explaining how to prepare powerful sticks for Namkhas – anytime and anywhere

By your request can be included in the “How to construct a Namkha” course – or be done separately

Honoring Dharma Projects -
Making Namkhas in bigger sizes

Reach total freedom in Namkha making -and learn how to make Namkhas from any yarn in any size – e.g. as big as a house.

Biggest sizes are used to honor Gars, Lings and different Dharma projects.

Frequently asked questions:

🔸Q: Where do you give classes?

 A: Classes are given in Zoom, with a separate camera to demonstrate the process. I’m  making my Namkhas with you during education, so we’re in the process together.

🔸Q: I’m not good with handmade, will I manage?

A: For sure! It’s not a rocket science – just a basic handmade skills that can be easily learned online. The difficult part is working with energy – it’s where the real dancing starts – and I will support you on every step of this journey.

🔸Q: What if I have extremely difficult situation/obstacles?

A: That’s okay. Experience shows that in this case education will take more time – that’s okay either. We’ll have plenty of time and schedule is adjusted for your personally.

🔸Q: Can I make Namkhas for others? Including those who are not practitioners?

A: Yes, absolutely. You’ll learn how to make Namkhas not only for yourself, but also for your nearest and dearest, and practically everyone else. Just be sure that people will be able to empower their Namkhas – with your help or visiting a Ling or a Gar.

🔸Q: Can I become a Namkha maker with your courses?

A: My educational programs are intended for those planning to become Namkha makers working for the benefit of the Dzogchen Community and making Namkhas for others.  With further intention of transmitting knowledge in their local Lings and Gars and teaching people Namkha making on-site.